My passion for nature is driven by its awe-inspiring beauty and dramatic landscapes, where each rugged terrain holds a mysterious story waiting to be uncovered.
The vastness of the natural world evokes a deep longing within me, a desire to explore its hidden corners and connect with its ancient power.
In the face of nature's rawness, there is a sense of hope — hope that, through exploration, we can understand our place within it and find a deeper sense of belonging to the earth.
Nothing is lost in nature. Everything returns into the cycle of life. Forest Bones is a series about decaying branches that because of their shape, remain beautiful untill the end. This series shows that there is beauty in old age and that everything is of value untill the end. An aspect of modern life we easily ignore because of our focus on 'the young and pristine'.
In de natuur gaat niets verloren. Alles komt terug in de cyclus van het leven. Forest Bones (bos geraamten) is een doorlopende serie met als onderwerp takken die vergaan maar door hun vorm tot op het laatste moment schoonheid bezitten. Deze serie maakt duidelijk dat er schoonheid zit in ouderdom en dat alles tot op het laatst waarde bezit. Iets waar we met onze focus op alles wat 'jong en gaaf' is, te makkelijk aan voorbij gaan.
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Landscape mixed media art
Nature photography
Macro & close-up photography
Botanical photography
Mixed media collage