My passion for nature is driven by its awe-inspiring beauty and dramatic landscapes, where each rugged terrain holds a mysterious story waiting to be uncovered.
The vastness of the natural world evokes a deep longing within me, a desire to explore its hidden corners and connect with its ancient power.
In the face of nature's rawness, there is a sense of hope — hope that, through exploration, we can understand our place within it and find a deeper sense of belonging to the earth.
Macro foto kunstwerk van de fijne structuur van een blad van de paradijsplant (strelitzia reginae).
Geprint op Photo Rag metallic paper
Afmetin g foto: 40x60 cm : E 450,- (Oplage 2) 50x75 cm : E 550,- (Oplage 2 +1 AP)
Prijzen voor losse, niet ingelijste, fine art prints vanaf € 90,=
Inclusief zwarte houten lijst, 1,5 cm. met museumglas en 10 cm passe-partout. Indien een andere lijst/formaat gewenst is, graag contact opnemen.
Macro Photo artwork of a leaf of the Strelitziaplant (strelitzia reginae)
Printed on Photo Rag paper metallic
Sizes and prices:
40x60 cm : E 450,- (Lim. ed.: 2)
50x75 cm : E 550,- (Lim.ed. 2 +1 AP)Including black edge frame, 1,5 cm, museum glass and 10 cm passe-partout . Please contact me if you would prefer a different frame or passepartout.
Prices for fine art prints without framing or mounting from € 90,-
#fineart #fineartphoto #fineartphotography #photogallery #photograph #photography #image #art#artist #contemporaryart
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Landscape mixed media art
Nature photography
Macro & close-up photography
Botanical photography
Mixed media collage